When he can’t put on a regular 82-game NBA season, David Stern just can’t win.
After the 1998-99 lockout resulted in a 50-game season, the commissioner was criticized for putting on a sham campaign. In case you’ve forgotten, Phil Jackson famously mocked it as the “asterisk season.” That still rankles some folks down in San Antonio, which won its first title that June, and they don’t want to hear that it wasn’t the genuine thing.
Now Stern is hearing from some critics that the 66-game season, necessitated by the five-month lockout, is featuring too many games.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/knicks/david-stern-defends-66-game-nba-season-hard-argue-injuries-hurt-product-article-1.1009671#ixzz1kDiKPVub