I’m your Uncle Marty along with my Airedale wingman Daytona on The 3D RadioActivity number 712. We’re taking our musical roots back to the basics, embracing the KISS principle to Keep It Seductive and SIMPLY RADIOACTIVE!
With a pair more than a dozen averaging near 4 minutes long, this chapter was so SIMPLY RADIOACTIVE, we just might do part two for you next time unless something more pressing comes to mind. Got any suggestions? Then tell me your suggestions with a message on our Facebook page which has links to the archives of all the earlier episodes and always airedorable artwork in the photo section, or by sending email, as we remind you to be sure to look for us on Theacidflashback, Denver’s Mile Hi Radio, TuneIn and InternetFM .com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.
Until we meet again, Keep Rockin’ On!
…Uncle Marty
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe