This is The 3D RadioActivity, and on this episode we are playing songs about a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep, an experience of waking life having those characteristics of a visionary creation of the imagination, a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality that could be an object seen in a vision, something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality or a strongly desired goal or purpose as we’re going to be analyzing dreams this time.
You can click to listen:
[jwplayer mediaid=”14188″]
Or download More 3D Dream Analysis & Interpretation here:
Look for us online here to find all of the previous shows, and all over the web via TuneIn .com, & InternetFM too.
I will be giving the 3D Studios a break from recording, so when we come back, we will definitely be in need of some sleep, so that will be the topic of the next program. Send your ideas along to me on Facebook or via email, and look for The 3D RadioActivity where you can “Like ” the program and leave me a message there too.
Thanks for dialing in, and we will “ear” you next time. Rock On!
“Education is When You Read the Fine Print.
Experience is What You Get If You Don’t.”
~ Pete Seeger