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Now that it is April, we are going to celebrate the “A” with accolades and award winning music from Country, The Kennedy Center, Gospel and The Oscars! Be sure to let us know if you have any prize winning ideas.
On The 3D RadioActivity, I try not to stick to one artist, instead I generally limit it to one cut per show by a performer. If you are checking it out, you will see what I mean. in five years the number of songs I have repeated are very minimal. Over 5,000+ individual tunes and 400 hours of production! I formally invite all to visit our Facebook page, “Like ” it and (of course) give it a listen and then make your suggestions there or via email for future shows as we are now into our sixth year of your show, Sean and I merely host it for you.
Look for us online here to find all of the previous shows, and all over the web via TuneIn .com, & InternetFM too.
Be kind to each other, & thanks for tuning in & turning me on!
“Education is When You Read the Fine Print.
Experience is What You Get If You Don’t.”
~ Pete Seeger