I’m your Uncle Marty, on the 470th adventure of  The 3D RadioActivity!  This time what we’re doing simply won’t make a difference if you listen to it on a hot Saturday night, or a cool rainy morning, and no matter whether you are on the farm, big city or in a foreign land, we have something good for all beings that walk, crawl, swim, swing or slither!

Wow, 20 songs in an hour is a record in more ways than one!  In review we have gotten down with snakes, insects, primates, feathered friends, cloven hoofed, masked, marsupial, porcine and canine varieties!  With over 500 great tunes to boogie to, we will be back next time to wrap up our feature with another dose to dance to.  If you have a favorite you haven’t heard lately, tell me by sending email, or a message on our Facebookpage which has links to all the earlier episodes, graphics and our archives in the photo section.   As long as you are online, give us a “Like”, tell your family, friends and dog to check us out, and be sure to look for us on Theacidflashback.comhttp://www.villageconnectionmagazine.com/ Long Island, New York;Denver’s MileHiRadio, TuneIn and InternetFM dot com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.

Thanks for making us part of your plan, and Always Always, Always, Rock On!

Uncle Marty

It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.

…Marilyn Monroe