We’re playing with contractions, and not just your common every day kind, this one is unlike ANY thing else, however they do involve it as the featured A word for April. I’m your Uncle Marty, this is The 3D RadioActivity # 380 and this time we Won’t be limited to simple ANYMORE songs, don’t even think it. Believe it! Because if you aren’t willing, you can’t feel it.
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We have one more A is for Airedale, April and Any music to play for you next time, before we Jump, Over and Out to finish springtime, our Traditional Memorial Day Tribute as then we will have more Summertime Seconds with tunes we weren’t able to squeeze in on our first spin around the turntable. ANY suggestions? Send us an email, or a message on our Facebook page which has links to all the earlier episodes, graphics and our archives in the photo section. As long as you are online, tell your friends to check us out, and be sure to look for us on Groovy Radio dot net. Where all the Great songs go to play, Theacidflashback.com, http://www.villageconnectionmagazine.com/ Long Island, New York; MileHiRadio, TuneIn .com, and InternetFM dot com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.
Thanks for making us part of your plan, and Always Always, Always, Rock On!
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe