Writer Paul Schwartz penned his story with the following introduction, “At the end, Tom Coughlin did not need to push and prod his Giants, did not need to preach “All In” any longer, did not need to insist and demand and plea for his players to please, please, just “Finish.”
“All he needed to do was watch the confetti fall after his quarterback, Eli Manning, did it again and Justin Tuck and his defense did it again, did it to the Patriots, to Bill Belichick and Tom Brady again, incredibly, impossibly and, in some strange way, naturally.
“This is the finish line for this year, yes it is!’’ Coughlin exclaimed.”
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/giants/manning_stuns_patriots_again_for_Enw11jQJWNr0f6eIBX8VRJ#ixzz1lcvmnjBE