Sean is hiding as we are discovering the volume of squares this time on The 3D RadioActivity, as we see if it does go up to eleven to match the month. Do a websearch and you will find About 457,000,000 results for them. The diagonals are about 1.414 times the length of the side. This value, known as Pythagoras’ constant, was the first number proven to be irrational. They may be a rhombus with a right angle or the simplest regular quadrilateral, as we witness Rock, Jazz, Blues, Country and Soundtracks among them, so this music only contains prime numbers.


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Be sure to tune in again next time when we continue get geometrical and study a few different angles for your audio pleasure, so if you have any musical ideas, be sure to tell me.

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Thanks for dropping by and don’t forget to Rock On, everybody!

Uncle Marty

“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”

­ ~~ Marilyn Monroe