Pam Shriver, on ESPN during the Australian Open, after reading the network’s promo for the Winter X Games:
“You know, I’m happy I played a sport where you’d make a mistake and the worst thing that could happen to you was Love-15.”
From the other calendar, these ‘special’ days in February, including the designation as ‘National Pull Your Sofa off the Wall Month.”
-Feb. 7: ‘Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day.”
-Feb. 9: ‘Read in the Bathtub Day.’
-Feb. 11: ‘Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day’.
-Feb. 18: ‘Thumb Appreciation Day’.
-Feb 23: ‘Curling is Cool Day’
-Feb. 28: ‘Public Sleeping Day’
Happy Birthday to Bob Griese!
From nightlines, Conan O’Brien: ‘To avoid a shutdown the Government cut $39 billion from the budget. The first thing to go was ‘real housewives of DC’.”
As mentioned yesterday, the ZERO(s) of the Week of the NC Winter Pro teams, the Hurricanes and the Bobcats. The Hurricanes are tied for last in their conference, well on their way to missing the playoffs for the 3rd straight season after making the Hockey ‘Final Four’ in 2009. However they’re the BETTER sports team in NC, the Bobcats are the WORST team in the entire NBA, recently surpassed by the Washington Wizards, after a head-to-head loss. And with the absurd roster moves the Bobcats have made in recent years, it’s difficult to see them improving any time soon. Good thing I have a really good COLLEGE basketball team to root for!
And speaking of college teams, on a happier note, the HERO(s) of the Week are the two Greensboro Division 1 teams, UNCG and A&T. After bad starts, both are playing much better lately, A&T has won 5 in a row. However the more surprising story is UNCG. In the middle of an 11 game losing streak, they ‘fired’ their Coach, Mike Dement. (Okay, it was called a ‘resignation’.) Assistant Wes Miller took over, becoming one of the youngest coaches in Division 1. His first or second game was at Duke, and they hung with Duke for a half. After another loss or 2, they’ve won SEVEN in a row, including a win AT College of Charleston. Both of those teams have a real shot to make the NCAA tournament.