I’m Uncle Marty, this is The 3D RadioActivity, and we are featuring songs revolving around the head. Not like you might see in Looney Tunes, these ones will focus on the part some people feel is the most important part of your physical presentation. Marie Antoinette lost hers, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow features a soldier without one chasing down Ichabod Crane. All this leads us to “If” – a poem by British Nobel laureate Rudyard Kipling, written in 1895:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son.
With that thought in mind, let’s move ahead, because that’s a no brainer.

3D Heads

You can click to listen [jwplayer mediaid=”14565″]

or download City Ditties in 3Dhere:

We have arms and bones coming up in our future shows.  Got any suggestions?  You know that I’ve already got a ton of music to choose from, so let me know what’s on your mind.  Be sure to tell me!

If you are on Facebook , look for The 3D RadioActivity where you can “Like ” the program and leave me a message with your ideas.  Look for us online here https://archive.org/details/The3dRadioactivity to find all of the previous shows, and all over the web via TuneIn .com, Theacidflashback.com, & InternetFM too.

Always remember the rules: Have Fun & play nice with others.  Thanks for turning me on & tuning me in!

Uncle Marty

“Education is When You Read the Fine Print.
Experience is What You Get If You Don’t.”

~ Pete Seeger