I’m everybody’s Uncle Marty, this is The 3D RadioActivity number seven hundred and twenty as Daytona and I have dug a deep musical hole that holds our desires, hopes, needs and WANTS.
Here are your RadioActive WANTS
There were a number of WANTS that went longer than normal, nine in total that averaged in length at six and a quarter minutes along with close to 40 years in age. We’re thinking of making HAY if the sun is still shining on our future gathering, so please pass along any suggestions that we haven’t played before by sending us an email, or with a message on our Facebook page where you can find links to the archives of all the earlier episodes and Daytona’s always airedorable artwork in the photo section. And may we remind you to be sure to look for us on Denver’s Mile Hi Radio, Theacidflashback, TuneIn and InternetFM .com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.
Until we meet again, Keep Rockin’ On!
…Uncle Marty
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe