I’m your favorite Uncle Marty, this is The 3D RadioActivity number 619 as Daytona and I close out the eventful year that will be remembered for covid cooties, political unrest and other events best viewed in the rear view mirror as we bid 2021 FAREWELL.  🎼 🎶 💕☢️ 🐾 🎵

We’re almost ready for where 2022 will lead, we shall see what direction it will take us with some sets of TRAVELING tunes. If you have any suggestions or ideas, then tell me by sending email, or message us on our Facebook page which has links to all the earlier episodes and airedorable artwork in the photo section. Tell your family, friend and dog to look for us on KHEATradio .com in Surprise AZ Theacidflashback ,  Denver’s  MileHiRadio ,  TuneIn and  InternetFM dot com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.     ♥ 

Until we meet again, Keep Rockin’ On!

Uncle Marty

It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.
…Marilyn Monroe