On The 3D RadioActivity episode # 279 and we are playing songs relating to great vertical extent, point, level, or figure; at or to a considerable or specified elevation; or a state of spirits or euphoria. That’s right radio listeners, we are going to get High. It can be used in front of, in the middle of or after: aces*, aim*, *-De-Ho, * & dry, * & low, *blood pressure, * School Musical, * C, * crimes, hang ’em *, * heels, *- definition TV, * life (as in Miller Beer), * noon, piled * , * pitched, * priced, * seas, * sierra, * maintenance, * society, * speed, * times, twelve o’clock *, * wall, * anxiety, * fidelity, or * five. So let’s shift into high gear as we navigate our journey because sometimes the road proves that life is a highway.
Listen now: [jwplayer mediaid=”17378″]
Click to download here:
https://archive.org/download/The3dRadioactivity/3dradio_20150426-3DonHigh.mp3 Sean and I will return to earth next time as we land south of the border to enjoy a taste of Cinco De Mayo with some great traditional and alternative music to augment the celebration. Please remember that we can be easily contacted with your ideas! Do drop an email or leave a message & a “Like ” on our Facebook page where you will find links to the archives of all the earlier episodes and graphics in the photo section.
Listen now: [jwplayer mediaid=”17378″]
Click to download here:
https://archive.org/download/The3dRadioactivity/3dradio_20150426-3DonHigh.mp3 Sean and I will return to earth next time as we land south of the border to enjoy a taste of Cinco De Mayo with some great traditional and alternative music to augment the celebration. Please remember that we can be easily contacted with your ideas! Do drop an email or leave a message & a “Like ” on our Facebook page where you will find links to the archives of all the earlier episodes and graphics in the photo section.
Look for us online here https://archive.org/details/The3dRadioactivity to find all of the previous shows, and all over the web via TuneIn .com, MileHiRadio, Theacidflashback.com, & InternetFM.
Thanks for making us part of the plan, and Rock On!
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe