I’m everybody’s Uncle Marty, with installment 573 of The 3D RadioActivity. Enjoy the music as we revisit the Valentine’s Day Massacre in four ventricle harmony serving up a plateful of ironically vulnerable Heart Brakes.

Welp, here’s our Valentine’s Day Massacre Heart Brakes, so you have it in preparation for the 24 hour period that commemorates getting up close and personal with someone, while it’s also the biggest day for separations all in the name of Love. The party continues next time with another round of New Orleans music as we celebrate Uncle Marty Gras again. You can always tell me your favorite selections, ideas and cute pet stories by sending email, or with a message on our Facebook page which has links to the files of all the earlier chapters and the airedorable artwork in the photo section. Daytona says look for us on Denver’s MileHiRadio, Theacidflashback, TuneIn, and InternetFM dot com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.
Until we meet again, Keep Rockin’ On!
…Uncle Marty
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe