Uncle Marty here with our 549th serving of The 3D RadioActivity, as we continue our deep dive Summertime Seconds adventure where we’ll be visiting BOOGIE on Location. No matter if you are in or out of the country, on the water, climbing that mountain or moving stairs, we’ve got you covered.

We have presented a variety of BOOGIE views of late, so it is appropriate that since we have covered places and things, we should take a look and listen to BOOGIE PEOPLE on our next get together. Tell me any suggestions by sending email, or with a message on our Facebook page which has links to the archives of all the earlier episodes and graphics in the photo section. Look for us on Denver’s MileHiRadio, Theacidflashback.com, TuneIn and InternetFM dot com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.
Until we meet again, Remember that Radio Dave always says Keep Rockin’ On!
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe