I’m your Uncle Marty here with DaytonAiredale on The 3D RadioActivity number 709 as we present you with selections of something for Everybody of 3D Music!
Click to listen to Everybody of 3D Music
We’ve presented a dozen melodies, with something for EVERYBODY, next time we’ll try a different spin around the turntables with numbers for SOMEBODY to toy with your attention. We don’t repeat what we’ve played before so let me know if you have any recommendations by sending email, or with a message on our Facebook page which has links to the archives of all the earlier episodes and always airedorable accompanying artwork in the photo section. Daytona reminds you to be sure to look for us on Denver’s Mile Hi Radio, Theacidflashback, TuneIn and InternetFM .com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.
Until we meet again, Keep Rockin’ On!
…Uncle Marty
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe