This is The Gospel According To Uncle Marty on the 479th edition of The 3D RadioActivity. Previously, we have ridden golden chariots, taken stairways to heaven, and wrestled with matters of the soul, as this time for our Easter Week offerings, we take a leap into Faith Based RadioActivity. As Brother Elwood Blues profoundly stated:
“We’re On A Mission From God“!
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Over our specialized Gospel According to Uncle Marty chapters of the show, we have covered 170 totally different songs in the ten adventures. Here at The 3D RadioActivity, we rarely repeat cuts that have been played earlier, and we will take that to a different perspective next time as we take a look at USED music, whether it be useless or not, we will put the ears to good use. Got any suggestions? Then tell me by sending an email or with a message on our Facebook page where you can give us a Like, and you can find hyperlinks to all of the earlier episodes and graphics in the photo section. Be sure to tell all the hipsters you know to look for us on Theacidflashback .com; Long Island, New York; Denver’s MileHiRadio; TuneIn and InternetFM dot com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.
Until we meet again, Always Rock On!
…Uncle Marty
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe