I’m Uncle Marty on the 485th gathering of The 3D RadioActivity where we continue with Part II of our musical Memorial Day Rememberance. It’s been quite a busy year for departures from the earthly plane into the afterlife, as we continue to pay respects to them with examples of their timeless works.

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We’ve been “Remembering” some of the great musicians who have crossed over and are now playing in a heavenly orchestra and choir. Let’s hope it is a shorter list next year. Next time we have the cure for those blues when we begin our Summertime Seconds Segment, as we kick it off with some GOOD music before we go for BETTER and BEST, as we are going back to check out tunes we weren’t able to get to in our earlier visits, another one of the reasons why we do our best not to repeat songs we have played before… Talk to me by sending email or leave a message on our Facebook page where you can give us a Like, and you can find hyperlinks to all of the earlier episodes and graphics in the photo section. Tell all your circle of best friends and family to look for us on Theacidflashback.com, http://www.villageconnectionmagazine.com/ Long Island, New York;Denver’s MileHiRadio, TuneIn and InternetFM dot com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.
Until we meet again, Always Rock On!
…Uncle Marty
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe