This is The 3D RadioActivity, number 326, I’m everybody’s Uncle Marty, and once again on this episode we are playing songs that are award winners.  Last time we focused on a favorite modern genre, so now we are going to feature The Not the 3D Rock Prizes, ones that garnered a lot of glittering accolades from other fields.
 Not The 3D Rock Prizes
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A is for April, Accolades and Awards so we will continue with them next time as we feature some big ones that were nominated and received high honors in the musical fields.    To give me your suggestions, send an email, or with a Like and message on our Facebook page which has links to the archives of all the earlier episodes and graphics in the photo section.  Be sure to look for us on Groovy Radio dot net.  Where all the Great songs go to play,, TuneIn .com , MileHiRadio, and InternetFM dot com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.

Thanks for making us part of your plan, and Always Rock On!

Uncle Marty

It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.

…Marilyn Monroe