You can easily listen We will be going Latin next week with a 3D Radio Cinco De Mayo Spectacular, so make sure that you get me any ideas ~ send an email or if you are on Facebook , look for The 3D RadioActivity where you can “Like ” the program and leave me a message there too.
On The 3D RadioActivity, I try not to stick to one artist, instead I generally limit it to one cut per show by a performer. If you are checking it out, you will see what I mean. in five years the number of songs I have repeated are very minimal. Over 5,000+ individual tunes and 400 hours of production!
Look for us online here to find all of the previous shows, and all over the web via TuneIn .com, & InternetFM too.
Sean and I will be taking a short hiatus to reset our compass to be back with more extra dimensional adventures in Radio for you.
Always remember the rules, have fun & play nice with others. Thanks for turning me on & tuning me in!
“Education is When You Read the Fine Print.
Experience is What You Get If You Don’t.”
~ Pete Seeger