Your Uncle Marty is here with DaytonAiredale on episode 683 of The 3D RadioActivity , as we examine the firm belief in reliability, truth, confidence hope and strength. You could trust in your higher power, or someone’s honesty, alternatively you might feel it’s just plain luck. On the flip side, we’ve got Radio TRUST Issues in Rock, Country, Pop, The Blues and Folk.

We’ve given you 14 TRUST Issues this time, and appropriately enough next time we will present you with The 14th chapter of The Gospel According To Uncle Marty. Previously we’ve covered Spirit, Faith, Music For Hymn, Their Pearly Gates of Fame, A Mission From God, and Soul music, so be sure to see what kind of Apparitions we raise with this Holy Hour. We won’t pass the basket, you can tell me your suggestions by sending an email, or a message on our Facebook page which has links to the audio warehouse of all the earlier episodes and Airedorable artwork in the photo section. As usual, Daytona reminds you to make sure to look for us on Theacidflashback, Denver’s Mile Hi Radio, KHEATradio.com in Surprise AZ, TuneIn and InternetFM.com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet!
Until we meet again, Keep Rockin’ On!
…Uncle Marty
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe