I’m your Uncle Marty, with Daytona The On The Airedale and on this episode we are officially kicking off The 3D RadioActivity‘s 15 season with episode 676 and more songs that feature the beginning of all sorts of things that you may be able to imagine, so let’s get this party STARTed.

It’s hard to believe that The 3D RadioActivity STARTED 14 years ago as part of Jeff Jacoby’s radio production class on KSFS, the station at San Francisco State University. Norm Winer and friends influenced me after working on the engineering staff at WXRT for the same length of time. Chicago’s Finest Rock would have a Featured Artist every day, so I tweaked the concept to use a spotlighted idea in every show, finding songs with a common theme in one form or fashion each week for your listening pleasure. I’ve taken it a step further by not repeating any tunes in almost ten years, because there is so much great music out there to enjoy as I try to give a bit of the backstory on each cut.

I occasionally repeat topics as I will do next time on our yearly visit to Louisiana for another edition of Uncle Marty Gras! Tell me your suggestions by sending an email, or a message on our Facebook page which has links to the archives of all the earlier episodes and Daytona’s cool canine canvases in the photo section. He always reminds you to look for us on Denver’s Mile Hi RadioKHEATradio.com in Surprise AZ,  TheacidflashbackTuneIn  and  InternetFM .com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet!

Until we meet again, Keep Rockin’ On!
Uncle Marty

“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe