The Tonight Show is an American late-night television talk show that has aired on NBC since 1954. Currently recorded in New York City, it is the longest recurring, regularly scheduled entertainment program in the United States and the third-longest after Meet the Press and Today. It has been hosted by Steve Allen (1954–57), Jack Paar (1957–62), Johnny Carson (1962–92), Jay Leno (1992–2009, 2010–14), Conan O’Brien (2009–10), and Jimmy Fallon (2014–present). You can call this homage to these guys, or you can call it this a tribute to whatever, I’m your RadioActive host, along with Sean, and we’re giving it all we’ve got, because this is Th*3D Tonight Show on The 3D RadioActivity!
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or download Th*3D Tonight Show here: Next week we will finish our excursion into music from the light and dark side and put it to bed by saying “nite nite”. Got any suggestions? Be sure to tell me on our Facebook page, where you can also “Like ” it and (of course) give it a listen and then make your request there or via email for future shows as we are now into our sixth year of your show, Sean and I merely host it for you. Next week we will finish our excursion into music from the light and dark side and put it to bed by saying “nite nite”. Got any suggestions? Be sure to tell me on our Facebook page, where you can also “Like ” it and (of course) give it a listen and then make your request there or via email for future shows as we are now into our sixth year of your show, Sean and I merely host it for you.
You can look for us all over the web via TuneIn .com, InternetFM or surf over to to find all of the previous shows.
Thanks for dialing up, and we will “ear” you next time.
“Education is When You Read the Fine Print.
Experience is What You Get If You Don’t.”
~ Pete Seeger