It’s time for The 3D RadioActivity‘s tradition of The Gospel According To Uncle Marty, as our gathering of the congregation will focus on a procession of spiritual offerings. Please open your hymnal to Chapter 530 where the music is waiting for us.
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We have been spotlighting the best of The Gospel According To Uncle Marty, in hopes you are living the word, helping others if or when you can, and keeping a safe distance to deter you from any corona cooties that may be floating nearby. With that in mind, we have STAY, AWAY, and other QUARANTINE friendly favorites coming up in the next few encounters. All we need is to know what you want to hear! Got any favorites that come to mind? Get me your comments or suggestions via our Facebook page which has links to the archives of all the earlier episodes and graphics in the photo section, or by email . Tell all your circle of best friends and family to look for us on, Long Island, New York; Denver’s MileHiRadio, TuneIn and InternetFM dot com, because the best FM radio is now on the Internet.
Until we meet again, Always Rock On!
…Uncle Marty
“It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.”
…Marilyn Monroe